Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Resolutions for a 22nd Year

Wow, 22...can you believe it?! I think this is the first birthday that sounded really adult-like to me. 21 just sounds like the typical crazy college kid age, but 22 just seems...not old! mature?

I can never think of resolutions on New Year's, but February 3rd's close enough that I think a new year of my life counts just as much. So here goes:

1. Learn to love people. I'm sick of living passively day-by-day. I want to invest in someone, even if it hurts. I want to have a relationship real enough that I can feel another's burdens and also have my heart dance in their joy. I've never done that before.

2. Practice the art of seriously studying the Word of God. I want to know Him intimately and have Him shape and mold every aspect of my tiny existence. I want my life apart from Him to be nothing, and to know that I could never live without Him.

3. Lastly, I just really. really want to marry the man of my dreams this year. I love him so much.

Well, there you have it. They're not all specific goals, but they are pointed enough so that I will know for sure if I am growing in them. Hopefully, I will remember to update this a little more frequently so that you know how things are going in these regards. Here's to the upcoming year!

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