Sunday, November 15, 2009

A New Perspective

I realized something about myself today. I was busy day-dreaming about what our life will be like next year at this time, and it hit me...I've been so busy dreaming up everything that I want in marriage that I've gotten distracted from the one thing that truly matters...namely, whether or not God is honored by it. You really couldn't matter less what color our curtains are or where we get to go on vacation or even whether or not he'll like my cooking. I mean, it does, but not when you compare it to whether or not we're allowing God to work through us to minister to a lost world. And it's not even something that needs to wait until we're married. Even now, we need to be conscious of how each detail of our relationship reflects on God, because we do claim to follow Him. It only makes sense then, that we would want to work (through His grace) to reflect the wonder, the boundless love, and the purity that Jesus shows to His bride, the church.

And so with this new perspective, I am praying that God will keep me grounded and help me to stay focused on the things that truly matter most. I really do desire for people to be able to look at our relationship and be pointed to the cross. Any prayers that you feel led to offer on our behalf in this area would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to invest in us!

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Turning Point

"Here, Lord, I abandon myself to thee. I have tried in every way I could think of to manage myself, and to make myself what I know I ought to be, but have always failed. Now I give it up to thee. Do thou take entire possession of me. Work in me all the good pleasure of thy will. Mold and fashion me into such a vessel as seemeth good to thee. I leave myself in thy hands, and I believe thou wilt, according to thy promise, make me into a vessel unto thy own honor, 'sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.'"

~Hannah Whitall Smith