Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Undefiled Beauty

I've been really studying the beginning of 1 Peter this week, because we're starting a new Bible study for the fall term of Sunday school. I'm not sure how all of the versions line up, but I was really struck by the triad of words in verse 4, I think, describing our eternal inheritance with Christ: imperishable, undefiled, and unfading (ESV).

Maybe it's because this time of year always catches me soaking up more than my fair share of the natural beauty surrounding our home, and it just seems so wonderful, so sacred, and's not undefiled. If such beautiful and breathtaking scenery here on our fallen Earth can be so captivating, can you even begin to imagine the magnitude of that which is completely and totally undefiled and fresh and new in Heaven? I could get lost for hours trying to wrap my mind around that picture!

It could be that, or maybe I'm still reflecting on my recent baptism. As I was sharing my testimony with the congregation, the thought completely overwhelmed me of what a beautiful redemption Jesus has already started (and is continuing to work) in my life! My past was so painfully ugly, and I don't say that because I still feel guilty (actually I feel quite forgiven!), but Jesus has taken away all of that filth and blossomed some of the most beautiful and cherished realities that any human could ever imagine (I use the word blossom as a verb, because every time I try to come up with a better description, all I can see in my mind is a big flower blooming in some sort of time-lapse sequence!). What I'm trying to say, is that I can hardly wrap my mind around a redeemed sort of beauty, but to imagine one that is completely pure and undefiled in the first!

So anyway, those are my current thoughts. If I blog more in the next couple of months, there's a good chance that my words will still have something to do with 1 and 2 Peter, but that's just a risk that comes with the adventure! :oD

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

His Faithfulness Continues!

God can be so good to provide tests for us quickly and faithfully so that we don't have time to wander away and think that we're being self-sufficient! This Monday marked the first day of Jesse's work as a full-time employee, rather than as an intern (which he has been all summer). With it came a significant raise, so we are more than a little excited...especially since student loans come due in November. Admittedly though, it was tempting to think we were taking care of ourselves and had the whole "life" thing well at hand.

Thankfully though, our God is faithful in not letting our feet slip. Within an hour of beginning to celebrate the raise we got the estimate for the body work on the car that wrecked in July (half our bank account) and the alternator died in the other car (another pricey repair). Originally, we thought it was just the battery, so my job was to drive it into town (about a 40 minute trip) yesterday for repair. There wasn't much gas in the tank, so I was really nervous the whole way...I couldn't stop for gas because the car wouldn't start back up again. Finally, I made it to Pep Boys, and the car just coasted into the parking lot and died right in front of their service entrance. So not only did He get me exactly as far as I needed, but He even parked the car where they could get to it easily! The people there were so friendly and helped me figure everything out (another concern, since I couldn't reach Jesse at work) and save quite a bit of money!

God has really blessed us over the past few months, and we'll still be more than able to make ends meet, but it sure is good to know that He's looking out for more than just our physical comforts. Our God loves us enough to look out for our spiritual well-being, day-in and day-out. Isn't that something worth praising Him over?! :o)